How does the city or municipality in your community support or contribute to local healthcare?


For example, some municipalities provide facilities to physician groups and/or FHTs at no cost.

Thank you for taking the time to provide information on this topic.

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Asked on 2025-01-22 8:27 pm
Our municipality funds our recruitment program (70% municipality, 30% hospital), they also provide additional funding to us for retention programs. This past year they also assisted with funding to our physician lead after-hours clinics.
( at 2025-01-23 9:44 am)
Private answer

My position and all incentives are 100% funded by the County which is supported by 8 Municipalities.

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Answered on 2025-01-24 11:35 am
Private answer

Hey Brett! Our program is 100% hospital funded. At present however we are in a position with applicants for family medicine with no space to accommodate. We will be meeting with our community/municipality to request their involvement (ie funding) to support any expansion.

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Answered on 2025-01-23 12:31 pm
Private answer

Our municipality provides approx. 60% of our funding. However, we now have to apply through a Grants to Group program each year. Prior to 2020 we were in the operating budget.

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Answered on 2025-01-23 10:54 am
Private answer

Our municipality provides 100% of the funding for our recruitment program. We are working on a joint plan between the municipality and our FHT for a new office building so the docs would have reduced or free rent, but it's a very slow process.

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Answered on 2025-01-22 9:02 pm