Physician Orientation


I am looking for input as to what other regions processes are for physician orientation. We are looking to standardize our orientation across our region (27,000 sq KM) and I wanted to see if there were other recruiters that would be willing to share a sample of their orientation package. Who meets with the physician to orientate them to the specific site, is it shared online, how do you confirm that the physician has been orientated fully etc. I can be reached at

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Asked on 2018-02-28 5:03 pm
Private answer

Hi Shannon,

Our office, The Medical Staff Office is responsible for Physician orientation. Our Administrative Assistant has a checklist for which she sets up the appointment for the incoming physician such as computer training, PACS training, Phot ID, etc. I could get a copy of her checklist and send to you if you would like. LEt me know.

Kind regards,

Marked as spam
Posted by Denise Coulombe
Answered on 2018-03-06 9:20 pm