Recruitment Data Base


This question was asked at last week’s conference, but I didn’t see any answers. If you use a data base or software program for tracking potential recruits, would you share with us the name of it and what you like about it? As well, if you know the cost that would be helpful too! Thanks very much!

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Asked on 2022-05-03 9:48 am
Private answer

Hi Paula,
We use a semi-custom Microsoft Access Database at the moment, it's free to us since the GN provide the Microsoft user licenses. I like that we can import documents like CVs to the contact's profile and have a linked table to document each communication with the candidate and with internal stakeholders about the candidate. A downside to using Access is that it's old and not very user friendly!

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Answered on 2022-05-03 11:43 am
Thanks Steve. I will check that out as we also have MS user licenses. Appreciate the reply.
( at 2022-05-04 1:21 pm)