The purpose of this policy is to establish formal guidelines around the determination of location of CASPR annual conferences.
Whereas to enable all provinces and territories the opportunity to host the Annual Conference and to also provide a cost effective site location which will enable CASPR members the feasibility of attending. It is encouraged that annual CASPR conferences will be held on a rotational basis as per the following schedule:
CASPR shall make every effort to follow the above rotational schedule but in the event that when the rotation falls to an identified area of Canada and there are no volunteers to host a conference, then the rotation would move to the next area designated on the rotation schedule. Efforts will be made by CASPR to have a schedule developed for a 4 year rotational basis at all times with designated community/city sites for the conference. To maintain this 4 year rotation, a call will be made by the Chair for submissions of “expressions of interest” to host the annual conference at the yearly annual conference at the Association’s Annual General Meeting.
If more than one ‘expression of interest’ is received for a rotation year, an election will be held by ballot at the Annual General Conference as per the CASPR by-laws.
Attached to this policy is the four year rotation (below).