Sorry, further to my message above the questions are as follows: 1. As an organization what methods of advertising do you use for physician recruitment? 2. Do you attend job fairs related to health care recruitment? Do you attend specialty specific conferences/events? If so which ones, and how many per year. 3. Do you use social media? If so which forums do you use? How do you ensure you stay ‘current’? Is your communication department involved and if so in what capacity? 4. What is your average yearly physician recruitment budget? Thanks so much everyone I really appriciate any help I can get with this. I can be reached directly via email at

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Posted by unknown
Asked on 2015-02-03 1:49 pm
Private answer

1. We had been posting in Ottawa U med school journal and/or yearbook, but we found that ineffective. Now we primarily use our posting on HFO jobs and our regional advisor Chris Farley-Radcliffe.
2. Yes we attend the Ottawa U career fair and it has been highly successful for us. We are considering travel to London in future years. Queens does not have a career fair.
This year I will be attending the CASPR conference, but it has not been done in the past.
3. Not yet, but we are considering it. Most of my information comes from CASPR and the relationships I have formed with people, or from doing what you did and posting a question.
4. Our budget is about 140K, which includes the subsidized rent for their office space for a period of years which could ”cost” 30K/yr but has no actual revenue requirement. I am required to fundraise for a large portion of this budget. Remainder comes from 2 surrounding townships.

Hopefully this is helpful. If you have any further questions/clarifications I am at

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Posted by Laura Tromp
Answered on 2015-04-14 3:09 pm