For Ontario Recruiters: Are there any physicians in your community who are trying to ‘sell’ their practice? This is the first time I have a physician who is asking money for his practice – he is in a FHO group

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Asked on 2016-01-04 10:20 pm
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Yes, this has happened in my region (Brockville / SE Ontario). FHO. An existing patient Roster is worth $ / is valuable now given the new restrictions on joining FHO / FHT.
What is old is new again.


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Posted by Carlene MacDonald
Answered on 2016-01-06 3:33 pm
Private answer

Hi Donna – no, I haven’t had anyone wanting to sell yet however it does appear to be happening around the province, particularing in the Hamilton and west area. It seems to apply to the FHO positions in particular. Cindy Snider

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Answered on 2016-01-05 12:56 pm