Advertising practice opportunities in print ?


Has anyone had any luck in advertising for physicians in any of the medical journals or publications that the docs read?
Also, which online job boards do you post on besides CASPR and HFO?

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Asked on 2019-08-29 12:57 pm
Private answer

I have advertised in CMAJ, CFPJ and on CAEP. I cannot point to one direct hire, but I can point to several off the provincial recruiting sites.

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Posted by Bryan MacLean
Answered on 2019-09-23 4:21 pm
Private answer

Measuring return on investment results for print advertising campaigns has always been a challenge, especially with digital options and opportunities available these days. HealthMatchBC has advertised in CMAJ, Canadian Family Physician, JAMA in the US and BMJ in the UK, as well as various specialist physician magazines throughout the years. For the purpose of reaching targeted audiences- it is quite pricey, but if advertising packages are purchased (and if you negotiate ad rates without an agency) you can get significant discounts in the pricing, starting at 25-30%. These days, I think we are all seeing a shift in more print/digital combinations, or migrating fully over to digital advertising, where greater reach, precise targeting and measurable reporting are crucial benefits!

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Posted by Carlos Ealdama
Answered on 2019-09-03 5:21 pm
Private answer

I was successful once through advertising in the Ontario Family Physicians Journal, otherwise we use HFO and CASPR to post for free.

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Answered on 2019-08-29 2:38 pm
Private answer

Queen’s has advertised in CMAJ and specialty specific journals, but receive just as many applications using HFO Jobs and MDWork. We also use specialty specific websites such as CSN etc. The costs can definitely add up as not all are free. We also contact residency training programs with positions we have available.

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Posted by Jennifer Andersen
Answered on 2019-08-29 1:01 pm