CASPR Treasurer


The Treasurer will act as the advisor in all aspects of financial management, working closely with other members of the CASPR executive to maintain and protect the organization’s finances responsibly.  Financial accountability is of the utmost importance to our non-profit association.

In addition to being a critical role for the association and the Board, the Treasurer’s role requires close attention to technical detail. Board Members will seek financial leadership, knowledge and strategic advice often from the Treasurer. This means that the Treasurer not only has to take primary responsibility for finances, but to also strategize for future financial planning.

Since the Treasurer is ultimately responsible for the finances of the corporation, it is expected the Treasurer should keep neat and accurate records and pay attention to detail. The Treasurer should be available so as to handle transactions on a timely basis.

Main Duties

  • accurate accounts of income and expenditure
  • all receipts are deposited as determined by the Board
  • only legitimate expenses are incurred
  • each expense is scrutinized for accuracy and matched to the relevant source of income
  • each expenditure is properly approved and authorized for payment
  • payment is only made to the appropriate people
  • a consistent and transparent audit trail is produced and available for each


  • a full bank reconciliation is completed on an at least a monthly basis for each

bank account

  • the Board receives monthly financial statements
  • that books are submitted to auditor for preparation of financial statement

and/or performance of an audit

  • In collaboration with Administrative Assistant ensure accurate registrations

(membership, training, & conference) are reported to the Board

  • Active member of the conference committee, ensuring financial oversight of

this major event and providing guidance to new conference committee chairs

  • Maintain annual conference budgets
  • Presentation of year-end reports at the Annual General Meeting
  • Providing advice and guidance of financial management and decisions to the Board of Directors  

Guidelines for Expenditures 

  1. Any expense is to be discussed with the Treasurer prior to being incurred.
  2. Any expense over $100, or as requested by the Treasurer, is to be brought to CASPR Executive for approval.  Minutes of the approval are to include specific detail about the expense being approved, (e.g. maximum cost, nature of expense, time period or quantity of purchased item).
  3. CASPR members submitting expenses for reimbursement are expected to do so in a timely manner.
  4. CASPR is not responsible for interest or late payment charges in connection with any expense incurred.  The Treasurer will endeavour to reimburse expenses within three weeks of submission.


  • Two(2) years

Initially approved by the CASPR Exec: n/a

Last modified/updated: October 7, 2020

Last approved by the CASPR Exec: January 21, 2021