The Vice-Chair must ensure that key goals and deliverables from Strategic Plan are worked on, that there is full participation relating to the strategic plan from the board and committees, that all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made and carried out.
Main duties
- The Vice-Chair acts for the Chair when she/he is not available and undertakes assignments at the request of the Chair.
- To ensure continuity the Vice-Chair can assume the responsibility of the Chairperson and should be familiar with the Chair’s work should a sudden absence occur.
- In addition, the Vice-Chair is accountable for facilitating a review and renewal of the CASPR Strategic Plan each year.
- The Vice-Chair will lead the Strategic Plan. Responsibilities relating to this include collaborating with Chairs on goals for the year, maintaining records, and monitor the progress of the Strategic Plan.
- Serving as the Vice-Chair gives opportunity to become familiar with the operations of the CASPR organization and the Executive.
- The Vice-Chair moves from the Vice Chair role after one year into the Chair role and then in the third year fills the role of the past chair. It is a three year commitment.
- The Vice-Chair will participate on a committee and participate in their initiatives on an as needed basis.
- The Vice-Chair will participate in meetings with the Diamond Sponsor.
- The Vice-Chair will assist with the coordination of semi-annual leadership meetings with the board.
- Served on the board as a Member at Large and or Committee Chair prior to accepting Vice-Chair role.
- 1 year Vice-Chair, 1 year Chair, 1 year Past Chair
Initially approved by the CASPR Exec: January 21, 2021