Feedback Survey for New Physicians


Does anyone have a survey used to get feedback from newly recruited physicians after their first few months of practice?

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Asked on 2020-01-09 6:06 pm
Private answer

We are working on a lean project for physician onboarding and orientation. We will be implementing something like that for the 2020 new hires. We did a survey for our lean project with our 2019 hires to get their input on how the onboarding and orientation was from their perspective. We have also done a survey for planning purposes, as it relates to job satisfaction retirement planning etc. We have been very fortunate with the return rate with our group.

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Posted by Shannon Noël
Answered on 2020-02-12 9:21 pm
Private answer

Hi Paula,
We complete a 6-month and 12 month evaluation for new physicians as part of our performance evaluation process. This is completed by the Dept Chief and is signed off by the new physicians. We did schedule an informal lunch at about the 1-year mark with our Medical Staff Association President as well, to answer questions about the corporation and see how things were going. Every few years, the corporation completes a physician engagement survey too, but it is more about engagement and overall satisfaction with work, and not specifically targeted to new docs.

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Posted by Trish Herrick
Answered on 2020-01-27 12:45 pm
Private answer

I sent out a survey to our newly recruited physicians to see if working here is what they expected. I also regularly check in with them through casual conversation to see if they are happy with their relocation decision and find out if there is anything they need or anything I can do to help them.

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Posted by Karen Parker
Answered on 2020-01-09 9:09 pm
Private answer

Hi Paula, we usually have one of our board members contact a new physician 6-9 months after they start. It is meant to be a friendly chat to make sure everything is going well. Usually cover: settlement into the community; settlement into clinic; any issues with the recruitment.

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Posted by
Answered on 2020-01-09 7:59 pm
Private answer

Hi Paula, we had a quick questionnaire that we were using over the past few years. About 3 months after a physician began work, we would schedule a "coffee" meeting where we ask them specific questions. We did this for about 3 years but are no longer doing it. We feel we have collected enough information to start implementing some changes as a result of the information captured. I can send you the questions if you would like.

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Posted by
Answered on 2020-01-09 6:24 pm
Thanks Krista, I would appreciate seeing your questions when you have a chance. Paula
( at 2020-01-10 5:09 pm)
Could you share these questions with me as well? Janet
(Janet Bardon at 2020-02-13 6:51 pm)