FTE – Part-Time vs Full-Time Calculations


Wondering how other jurisdiction determine the difference between hospital based full-time and part-time physician, especially in areas using a daily rate system for remuneration.
If you want to connect privately you can reach me at spouliot@gov.nu.ca
Thank you!

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Asked on 2022-05-19 3:15 pm
Private answer

Our organizational has done a lot of work to determine what is a full-time FTE for each specialty. In some areas like the ED it is the number of shifts/month, Surgery the resource allocation of OR/ACU/endoscopy blocks, Oncology we look at clinic days, and Medicine call obligations & clinics. The job duties of each specialty have helped us determine what expectations are appropriate of a full time vs. part time position.

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Posted by Brenna Pugliese
Answered on 2022-05-20 2:59 pm
Private answer

This is for our GP group, currently "Full-time" is defined as a physician who provide 220 service days per year. Part-time contracts can be anything between 147 and 220 depending on what the physician prefers. This reflects on the amount of annual allowance and bonuses. Wondering if other jurisdictions use a similar system or have other ways to define "full-time".

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Answered on 2022-05-19 4:01 pm
we have a similar system for specialties that are providing call coverage!
(Brenna Pugliese at 2022-05-20 3:00 pm)
Private answer

I would need more information on your model of care and funding. I may not have that model in my area. Is this for a hospitalist position, and or doc of the day type stipend?

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Posted by Shannon Noël
Answered on 2022-05-19 3:20 pm