Recruitment success at Family Medicine Forum?


Hi everyone! For those that attend Family Medicine Forum will you please let me know if you have found it to be a successful recruitment event. We are considering attending however not sure if it will meet our needs. Thanks!

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Asked on 2018-08-23 7:18 pm
Private answer

Cindy et all – while I agree that many of the large conferences are valuable, including FMF, our community cannot afford expensive conferences within our small budget. To me, it falls to my Regional Advisor or ROMP to attend and promote their communities at expensive events, since they have the budgets and represent us all.

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Posted by Laurie Smith
Answered on 2018-09-11 12:28 pm
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I agree with Bryan comments. It is a huge event especially when in Toronto and this is why NB recruiters are all going this year again. We do speak to many people and perhaps do hot end up recruiting someone but people do talk as Bryan indicated so one never knows. In my opinion, always worth attending as you never really know what the outcome could be! Kind regards, Denise

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Posted by Denise Coulombe
Answered on 2018-09-06 5:52 pm
Private answer

FMF is the premier event for Family docs in Canada. Being there is a must. You may not see any direct results, but physicians talk — and I can tell you, family med in Canada is a small world — and word spreads about jobs. When FMF is in Toronto they get anywhere from 4000 to 5000 FPs attend. That is more than 10% of the Fps in Canada in total. That 10% connect with the rest of the FPs in their region.

I have been involved with FMF from several angles since it’s inception and I have seen how important it is to be there. To NOT be there is the mistake. And No, they do not pay me to say this.

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Posted by Bryan MacLean
Answered on 2018-08-29 4:27 pm

Thanks for this Bryan – and I know they didn’t pay you to say anything as you are priceless! Cindy

( at 2018-09-04 5:31 pm)