School of Medicine Contacts


For any of my fellow recruiters who work in a university, I am trying to collect the name, email AND physical address of someone in the dept. of medicine, to whom I could send a full-colour professional poster advertising a retiring family physician’s practice and clinic. The physician would like to send a hard copy of this as opposed to an email, although I have suggested we do both! Any help would be much appreciated!

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Posted by
Asked on 2020-10-22 2:59 pm
Private answer

Hi Paula, are you looking for a university contact at all the universities? Or just in Ontario? Does he want to have the university send an email to all the residents advertising that opportunity or publish it somewhere in particular?

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Posted by Shannon Noël
Answered on 2020-10-22 7:52 pm
Hi Shannon. Looking to send to all universities across Canada that have medical schools. She would like to send a hard copy poster of the ad she has had created, as well as probably an email to be shared with residents. Also, open to any feedback as to where else we might send this. Thanks!!
( at 2020-10-27 2:32 pm)