Welcome for New Doctors


What is your practice when you have a new doctor relocate to the area? Do you provide them with a welcome package/gift basket etc? Do you host a dinner or meet and greet or ?? Thanks for sharing.

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Asked on 2019-06-18 1:16 pm
Private answer

As the community recruiter, I send a gift basket to all new starts, whether they are new to the city or not. I like to use locally made gifts so the docs can get a ’taste of place’ as well as certificates to local establishments to get them to engage with the community. I include a letter to let them know I am available to help them get settled by providing assistance, information and/or referrals to local resources.

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Posted by Lexie Penko
Answered on 2019-06-24 3:14 pm
Private answer

We provided a fruit basket on the first day of practice. As previously mentioned, the ’wine and dine’ is usually done during the recruitment. The last few years our local family docs have generally been very inclusive and include the new recruits in their activities. We try to hold a couple of retention events each year and will use these also to introduce the new recruit.

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Answered on 2019-06-18 5:12 pm
Private answer

we do all of that Paula, but there is also a danger of doing ’too much’. Find out what the doc would prefer as far as a dinner/meet and greet but don’t go overboard!

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Posted by Laurie Smith
Answered on 2019-06-18 2:39 pm
Private answer

In our community we usually do the gift baskets/meet and great when we do the site tour of our factilities. Once they have relocated and settled in the physicians will invite them to join in for example : a game of golf if that is there interest and then to dinner .

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Posted by Cheryl Kennedy
Answered on 2019-06-18 2:17 pm