CASPR Board Conflict of Interest Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish formal guidelines regarding conflict of interest in the procurement of supplies, equipment and services for CASPR.

A Conflict of Interest is described as any situation where the private or personal interests of an individual may bring influence, incompatibility or opposition to their CASPR responsibilities.  This includes actual or perceived conflicts, as well as conflicts where no formal financial benefit has been conferred.

As a Director of CASPR, I will act honestly, and maintain impartiality and uphold the principles of fair and open procurement.

NO CASPR director shall:


1. Outside Activities

…engage in any outside activity, work or business undertaking;

  • in which an advantage may be derived as a result of their status with the Association;
  • that involves the use of Association supplies or equipment.


2. Prohibited Use of Position

…use their position with the Association to;

  • gain direct or indirect benefit for themselves, their spouse or their children;
  • derive any form of economic benefit from any individuals, organizations or entities known to have or be seeking contracts with the Association.


3. Confidential Information

…in respect to Association matters;

  • disclose confidential information, in regard to any Association undertaking, to any person or organization not authorized by law or by the Association to have such information;
  • benefit directly or indirectly in return for revealing confidential information.


4. Gifts, Hospitality and Other Benefits

…accept gifts, hospitality or other benefits that may influence them in their duties;

Incidental gifts, hospitality or other benefits may be appropriate if deemed;

  • a common expression of courtesy or within normal standards of hospitality;
  • not to compromise the integrity of the Association.

Associating with supplier representatives at luncheons, dinners or other business engagements is generally acceptable and considered reasonable business practice provided individuals remain free of obligation.


5. Public Appearances

…accept any fee for public appearances to which he or she has been invited as a result of;

  • their position as a Director of the Association; or
  • a field of knowledge derived from their duties and responsibilities with the Association.

If, for any reason, it is necessary that fees be paid, the amount shall be made payable to the Association.


6. Improper Advantage of Past Service

…after leaving the Association;

  • seek preferential treatment or privileged access to the Association;
  • take personal advantage of information, obtained in the course of Association duties, not otherwise available to the public.


7. Disclosure

Any situation covered by the provisions of this policy that represents a real or potential conflict, between the private interests of a Director and his or her responsibilities to the Association, must be disclosed, even if its significance may be perceived to be marginal.

Where the ‘conflict’ involves a specific situation, the Director must make a verbal/written declaration to the Board of Directors, referencing the nature of the matter.  The Association may require that the identified activity be curtailed, modified or stopped if it concludes that a real or potential ‘conflict of interest’ exists.

Where the ‘conflict’ relates to consideration of a matter by the Board of Directors, the Director must advise the other members of the Board, of the nature of the ‘conflict’ and must withdraw from consideration of the matter without participating.

In the event that I, or any member of the Board of Directors, have concluded that I have breached this Conflict of Interest Policy, I understand that I may face consequences, including: a formal reprimand from the Executive, possible removal as a Director and/or legal prosecution.


Drafted: Sept 2009
Reviewed by CASPR Exec.: March 9, 2010
Second review by CASPR Exec.:  Sept 21, 2010
Approved by CASPR Exec.:  Sept 23, 2010