

The purpose of the Connections Newsletter is to encourage a sense of community amongst CASPR members and to act as an educational resource for physician recruiters across Canada.  The main focus of the publication and the majority of its content will be to highlight the professional activities and achievements of our membership; this may include information such as: news, articles, activities, and photographs pertinent to CASPR.

Membership Submissions

Submissions to the e-newsletter will be evaluated by the Communications Committee and accepted based on relevance to the primary mission of the Connections Newsletter.  Submissions will be encouraged from CASPR members.  Articles may include best practice examples and significant achievements.

Non-Member Submissions

Submissions considered relevant to CASPR may also be invited and accepted from sources outside of the membership. Submissions from sources outside of the CASPR membership must be for educational purposes only.  Purchasing advertising space for services and/or products in the newsletter is permitted in accordance with the CASPR Sponsorship Guide.  Individuals or organizations outside of the CASPR membership who are interested in including an article providing physician recruitment education in the newsletter may submit their request to for consideration.  CASPR Executive Board approval is needed when including articles from individuals and organizations outside of the CASPR membership.

Sponsorship Articles/Advertisements

Articles from CASPR sponsors will be included in accordance with the sponsorship and/or advertising level purchased.  Please visit the CASPR Sponsorship Guide for more information.

Newsletter Submission Preference

Material relating directly to CASPR will have first priority; other material of interest will be published as appropriate.  Material for the newsletter will be accepted and edited at the discretion of the Communications Chair and CASPR Executive.

Priority will be assigned in roughly the following order:

  • Messages from the Chair and committee leads
  • News of CASPR programs and committees
  • Reports of past events (i.e. CASPR Annual Conference)
  • Upcoming CASPR events
  • Best practice articles from the membership
  • Personal news about members as appropriate (i.e. significant achievements)
  • Paid advertisements and articles from CASPR sponsors (in accordance with the sponsorship guide)
  • Submissions from CASPR partners (see partnerships)
  • Relevant educational submissions from non-CASPR members

All Newsletter submissions must be identified by source.

Mass Emails

CASPR mass emails are based on a customer opt-in approach in accordance with Canada Anti Spam Legislation (CASL).  CASPR will obtain consent from the membership for mass emails.  Mass email options include:

  • Communication from official CASPR sponsors in accordance with the CASPR Sponsorship Policy
  • Mass requests for information, such as best practices, from members
  • General updates from the association, including volunteer requests and conference updates
  • CASPR Connections quarterly newsletter

Upon joining the association, new members will be asked which emails they would like to subscribe to.

Membership email addresses will not be shared with private organizations or sponsors without the express consent from the members.  Members who attend the annual CASPR Conference will be asked if they would like their information shared with sponsors and partners on the conference registration form.

If a member wishes to opt out from a type of mass email, they can contact the association at any time to request removal from the list ( In addition, all mass emails through the CASPR website will include information that identifies the sender and enables the recipient to withdraw consent in accordance with CASL.  All mass emails will include an opt out option at the bottom of the message with a link.

Members also have the option to have their name published on the CASPR public website.  Members will be asked permission when they join the association to have their names included on the online directory.  Members who do not wish to have their names included on the public website will not be included in this feature. 


Advocacy Partnerships

Advocacy partnerships are an invaluable tool in the fulfilment of CASPR’s mandate.  CASPR may work with organizations where there are common values and objectives, and where policy development and advocacy on CASPR’s key priorities can be achieved.  CASPR will not provide any financial support to advocacy partners.

All CASPR advocacy partnerships require a formal declaration of intent to become a partner.  All partners will be listed on the CASPR website.  In turn, CASPR must be listed as a partner on the organization’s website.

The CASPR Executive will take the lead in receiving and developing knowledge of and interest in advocacy partnership requests.  The CASPR Executive Chair whose portfolio is most relevant to the proposed partnership will take the lead. Consultation will take place amongst the Executive.  Consideration will be given to:

  • Whether joining a proposed partnership brings added value in terms of advancing CASPR’s mission and goals
  • National partnerships over provincial or regional (CASPR is a national organization representing Canadian physician recruiters).  Consideration may be given to provincial or regional partnership requests, although preference will be given to national partnerships.
  • If the partnership is a coalition of groups, all other current members of the partnership must be clearly identified
  • Being a not-for-profit organization, CASPR will only enter into partnerships with other not-for-profit organizations

Board approval is needed before CASPR will agree to enter into any advocacy partnerships.

Examples of advocacy partnerships may include: Canadian Medical Association, Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada, and Health Canada.

Solidarity Partnerships

Solidarity partnerships are characterized by mutually common interests and issues.  Through collaborating in solidarity partnerships, CASPR increases its capacity to address the association’s key mission, goals, and values.

Solidarity partners could be Canadian, North American, or overseas partners.  Organizations whose identities lend themselves to solidarity relationships or networks and coalitions with which CASPR has a close association will be considered.  Some of these partners have had a long historical relationship with CASPR.

CASPR will provide no funding to these organizations nor is there a requirement for CASPR to become a member.  CASPR’s relationship with these organizations may result in joint work, requests from the partner, advocacy work, or visits and exchanges based on similar mandates.

The CASPR Executive must receive and approve all requests for entering into a longer-term solidarity relationship with partners, networks, or coalitions.  All solidarity relationships will be listed on the CASPR website.  CASPR will only enter into solidarity relationships with not-for-profit organizations in compliance with the association’s vision, mission, and values.

An example of a solidarity partnership is the Association of Staff Physician Recruiters (ASPR), our USA counterparts.

Please note, CASPR sponsors are not considered partners.  CASPRʼs policy is not to endorse any advertiser. Therefore, publication of advertisements and/or sponsorship does not constitute an endorsement.  For more information, please visit the CASPR Sponsorship Guide (link). There may be cases where partners will sponsor CASPR in order to further a project or specific objective that does not directly benefit CASPR. 

CASPR Branding / Logo

The CASPR logo is the official mark of the organization.  The CASPR logo may be used by individuals and committees for official CASPR business.  External organizations authorized by the association for the purposes outlined in this policy may also be permitted to use the logo.  Intended usage includes:

  • Presentations
  • Publications
  • Websites
  • Advertising
  • Displays/Banners

Digital files are available via the Communications Chair (

The CASPR logo consists of a maple leaf and stethoscope. The maple leaf is meant to represent Canada, the stethoscope represents physician recruitment.  The logo may include the association’s name, “Canadian Association of Staff Physician Recruiters”.  The digital logo should always be published in burgundy (CASPR’s official colour) or white with a burgundy background.  Logos that are printed may be in black or grey. Enlarging and reducing the logo must be undertaken using proportional scaling only, in order to maintain the original proportions of the logo.

All CASPR Executive members can assume a general use authorization; this authorization extends to CASPR committee members.

CASPR Sponsors and Partners are permitted to use the CASPR logo/trademarks in certain situations.  However, use must be approved prior to publishing.  Requests to use the logo for other communications are granted on a case-by-case basis.  All identity policies and standards apply.  Please contact the Communications Chair ( for written authorization.  When using the logo in an electronic format, please ensure that it is linked to the CASPR website (

Personal business cards or websites are not permitted to display the CASPR logo, nor may such pages use the association’s name in a manner that would lead the reader to perceive that the website is an official CASPR website.  The CASPR logo may not be used on any commercial product or publication that directly or implicitly conveys that the content is authorized or associated with the organization, without the express written permission of the organization.  This includes, but is not limited to, placing the official logo on any article, book, software, or any other publication or product offered by a member.

Official CASPR Communication

Official communication from CASPR must be printed on the CASPR letterhead.  In addition, all communication being sent from CASPR (Chairs or Committees) must receive prior Board approval.  When communication to the membership is needed by the association, the Chair will endeavour to include the information in the CASPR Connection Newsletter rather than sending a mass email when and where possible.
Drafted: November 11, 2013
Date modified: November 11, 2013
Reviewed by CASPR Exec: November 29, 2013
Approved by Executive: November 29, 2013