Member Orientation

Membership Orientation Checklist

Welcome to CaSPR.

We are pleased to have you join us and we look forward to providing you with the latest in professional development and tools to help you take on the continually changing landscape of physician recruitment.


First, follow us on social media…




As a new member, please take a few minutes to explore our website and learn about the benefits CaSPR will bring to you in your role…

    • About CaSPR – Learn about our mission and values as an organization and how aim to provide value. Did you know CaSPR is a volunteer organization? We depend on hard working dedicated professionals who want to give back to their profession.
    • Board, Staff and Committees – Find out who is currently on the board of directors and helping achieve CaSPR’s vision. Also see who is volunteering for our core standing committees that help shape how CaSPR delivers its programs and services.
    • CaSPR Sponsors – Learn about our strategic partners who help fund CaSPR year to year. They likely provide physician recruitment focused services in your community.
    • Annual Conference –A signature event for the CaSPR organization. Each year two volunteers organize and develop a unique and pertinent conference agenda. With plenty of time to socialize and explore the venue the CaSPR conference always creates lasting memories on top of incredible knowledge. Looking forward to seeing you there.
    • Resource Library –Search CaSPRs extensive document database which includes best practices, recruitment essentials, past chair messages and previous newsletters.
    • Become a Featured Member –Show the CaSPR membership who you are! Share your unique voice and experience with our members.
    • Physician Job Board –Post your current opportunities on our job board. Did you know posting with CaSPR meets one of the requirements for a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment with Canadian government.
    • Contact All Members –Need to get a message out to the whole membership? Use our handy online form and we will work with you to ensure it gets to them in a timely matter. Assuming it is pertinent of course.
    • Q & A Board –Post a question or answer a question on our Q & A board, Want to know if other recruiters are using the same strategy? Post and find out as we are definitely a helpful group.
    • CaSPR Education – A Fellowship course designed to take you from recruitment newbie to seasoned pro.
      • 101- Access our recruitment 101 online and you will understand the basic fundamentals of a good recruitment and retention program.
      • 201- Offered ever second year in person at the conference learn deeper techniques and strategies to ensure your recruitment is running at top speed.
      • 301- Offered opposite of 201 in person at the conference. Learn how to manage your program and take it to the next level within your unique healthcare system.
    • Associations – A shortcut to all the physician associations you may need to contact in the course of your job.
    • Job Board – See what the public sees on CaSPR job board. Browse physician opportunities in your region or across Canada. Be sure to share your link with potential recruits.
    • Medical Schools – A comprehensive listing of all Canadian Medical Schools.
    • Helpful Links – A go to resource for all types of supportive agencies and associations that can help you in your role. A good place to start when looking for contact information.

Other Resources:

    • Our Members! – Networking is vital to any recruitment role. Our members are open people who are always willing to help advise you on your current problem. With a diverse group chances are they will have the knowledge or experience you seek. Unsure how to find the right person? Please reach out to one of the executives and they can help you connect with the right person.
    • Mentorship – Join our mentorship program and get one on one support from a seasoned recruiter who can help you understand the vast recruitment and retention landscape. If you are seasoned pro and want to give back please consider becoming a mentor yourself.  STAY TUNED FOR MORE DETAILS ON THIS!