Last date reviewed/approved: Drafted: September 24, 2013
Engagement of Speakers for CASPR Conferences and Educational Events Guideline
To establish a guideline for the engagement of speakers and presenters at CASPR conferences and educational events.
* A cornerstone of the purpose and value of CASPR is the sharing of information and knowledge amongst peers. As such, members are encouraged to act as speakers and presenters at CASPR conferences and educational events.
* In keeping with CASPR Conflict of Interest Policy, members acting as speakers or presenters do so on a voluntary basis without remuneration.
* From time to time, when beneficial to the membership, CASPR may engage paid speakers or presenters from outside the membership to provide knowledge and expertise.
* The CASPR Executive, on an annual basis, will determine the budget and requirement (quantity, expertise, etc.) for paid speakers.
* Paid speakers or presenters will be engaged through signed contract outlining the type and general content of the presentation, time and duration, travel, meal and accommodation arrangements, amount of remuneration and other mutually agreed upon expectations of CASPR and the speaker/presenter.
* Generally, paid speakers or presenters will be invited to participate in the portion of the conference or educational event immediately preceding and immediately following their presentation.
* Generally non-presentation components of a conference or educational event, including receptions, banquets, and meals, are intended for peer networking amongst members and will not include for-fee speakers or presenters, unless authorized by CASPR Executive.
Drafted : June 18, 2013 Reviewed by CASPR Exec. : Second review by CASPR Exec. : Approved by CASPR Exec.:Notifications