Last reviewed/approved: April 23, 2016
CASPR Refund Policy
To establish a guideline for CASPR membership, annual conference and/or CASPR training in the event that an individual becomes unemployed or has a change in roles and/or responsibilities within or outside of their organization.
Once received, payment for membership, annual conference and/or training is non-refundable and non-transferable. Once members are activated they can take advantage of the following membership benefits for the duration of the membership year.
CASPR Membership Benefits
* Ability to post physician job opportunities on this web site.
* Access to information sharing email network/chat line, and contacts for member organizations. * Listed in our public Members Directory
* The right to stand for and hold Executive positions
* Vote on matters brought before the Membership
* Annual Conferences and other CASPR functions and events.
In the event that a Regular Member becomes unemployed during the current membership year or is in a career transition out of physician recruitment of physicians the member may retain an Interim Membership status for the remainder of the membership year. CASPR Membership categories are listed below.
Interim Membership:
Interim membership will be granted to individuals who are active members but who have become unemployed during the course of the membership year. This interim status will carry out for the remainder of the membership year and will allow the individual to receive active membership benefits. In the event that the individual becomes employed and does not meet the eligibility for membership based on the criteria above, their
membership will become inactive. Interim members will continue to have one voting privilege and may continue to hold a director or any standing committee position that was held prior to becoming an Interim Member at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Drafted : June 14, 2013 Reviewed by CASPR Exec. : June 18, 2013 Second review by CASPR Exec. : June 18, 2013 Initially approved by CASPR Exec.: June 18, 2013 Last modified: September 24, 2014 Last approved date: September 24, 2014Notifications