Does anyone put on a Med School Info Night?


Thinking about hosting a medical school information night and wondering if anyone has an experience with one?
Planning to invite local high school, college and university students who are planning/hoping to apply to med school. Plus a couple docs who could answer their questions. Perhaps a representative from one or 2 of the med schools. Appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks.

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Asked on 2019-01-28 8:26 pm
Private answer

HI Paula, I do something somewhat like that. What I do here in Fredericton is that every year, I contact our four high schools and go and meet with grade 11 and 12 students who are interested in the Medical Field. I get them to bring a waiver and information for their parents for signature and to return to me. I give them a week to do so. Two weeks after my initial visit to the schools, which I do all in the same week, I invite all of theses students to come spend and afternoon here at the hospital where they get to meet 1-2 specialists and some Family Physicians. As a surprise when they arrive, I have them put on ”hospital greens” to get the feel of being a ”Physician” (they love this part). I also invite the media to come and interview the students and have a story in our local papers. After they have met with our docs, we take them on a tour of certain areas such as the trauma bay/ER and depending on the specialist who has spoken, we usually go to that department; Ortho Fracture clinic or Gastro suite, etc. I also have snacks ready for them upon arrival (fruit, cheese, crackers, drinks). It is a fun time and the students love it. before they leave, I hand out to them a package I have prepared of all information pertaining to ”what is needed to become a physician in Canada”.

If you would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact me:

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Posted by Denise Coulombe
Answered on 2019-01-30 3:54 pm