Does anyone use a laptop, tablet, or tv at recruitment events?


Do you use technology at your booth at recruitment fairs to show videos, maps etc? Do you feel it allows your booth to stand out more or get more attention? Any issues with security of it at events? Appreciate your feedback!

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Asked on 2018-09-10 4:04 pm
Private answer

Hi Paula, since we travel as a NB team, the Department of Health, if space allows, brings their laptop to register candidates interested in coming to NB when they come to our booth. We also use it at times to show the map of Regional Health Authorities and the locations of the hospitals and Health Centres on the map for each RHA.

I have also brought my laptop at times to show videos of our region. Cannot say if it has more of an impact or not but does show off the region.

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Posted by Denise Coulombe
Answered on 2018-09-11 1:20 pm
Private answer

Hi Paula: I do use a laptop/screen and have a pictorial slide showing on display while at the event. I’m not sure if it has direct impact but it is a nice way to illustrate the medical services and the community.

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Posted by Patti Dillabough
Answered on 2018-09-10 4:40 pm